YOTR's Online School was inspired to support Anita's students outside of her studio classes.

As she started to create the series and resources for her existing students, YOTR's school came to light as a necessity for growing confidence and skills in your yoga journey, in an environment that feels safe and supportive to you.

Whether you are:

  • struggling to balance life effectively
  • challenged by mental and physical flexibility
  • putting everyone else’s needs before your own 
  • continuously putting the very things off that will ultimately benefit and support you
  • the person that fears change

... this education hub has been made available for you so that you can build your own home yoga practice and finally find and create more space in your life.

Is Yoga On The Road's Online School for you?

YOTR's Online School was NOT created with everyone in mind. It can be hard to please the masses! And we believe that serving a specific group of people means we can serve better overall. But let's see if it's the right fit for you...

YOTR's School is for you if you have:

  • A growth mindset (eg. prepared to think outside the box)
  • An intention or goal to help gauge your progress
  • A drive to challenge your comfort zone - so the process of change can begin
  • The ability to dedicate some short but regular time to yourself (uninterrupted space)

Do any of these resonate and speak loudly to you? If so, you will fit right in. We would love to have you as a YOTR member!

YOTR's School is not for you if:

  • You have no desire to create time for yourself
  • You don't like taking the time to learn new things
  • You already have a well-established home yoga practice
  • You are content with your current day-to-day life routine and don't want any change


Hi, I’m Anita!

I sincerely hope these tutorials provide you with the type of support that I wish had been available when I set about with a desire to learn yoga.

These short and sequential sessions have been developed with the intention of inviting you to rediscover how it feels to inhabit and reconnect with your body, dwell more comfortably in your mind and live the principles of yoga more wholly and happily in your life.

I trust that if you have arrived here and have taken the time to listen, read and respond, then you are ready to begin this journey for yourself, back to yourself with me right alongside you.

Beginner Yogis Testimonials


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Have you heard the exciting news?

We’re launching a new membership option, and we’re offering an exclusive founding members price that won’t last long! This special rate will never be offered again. Express your interest here and we will give you access to exclusive and unique classes, and a supportive community to deepen your practice. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of something special–express your interest here.