Session 1: The Journey of Movement and Breath

Learning to move with your breath, with intention and mindfulness, can have a profound effect on the quality of your experience of yoga and your participation. In this session, you will begin to explore that your inhale produces big, open and outward movements; while your exhale encourages a more grounding and letting go of felt tension.

Welcome to your very first edition of Yoga For the Beginner, where the focus is to move closer to your breath - to meet, get to know and befriend it on a level that you might not have discovered yet.

When I first began to move in yoga, the very last thing I gave any consideration to was my breath! I was far more invested in what the practice of yoga was going to do for my body; that, and that alone.

This episode is intended to encourage you to explore what it feels like to combine your breath with the movement of your body. Sounds simple right? Yet, when you have not thought consciously about your breath it can take a while to deepen it, co-ordinate it and find the point where you allow it to support you.

Before moving on I really encourage you to revisit this short session as often as you can make the time. Doing this will most likely set a more meaningful foundation for the coming practices I have in store for you.

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